Thursday, March 28, 2013

Porter Turns Six!

Holy cow when did time start flying by so quick? I can't believe he is six! Here he is with his Castle cake,

He loved it. Here are a few little things about our dear sweet Porter:
  • His current love is anything related to Lord of the Rings, Mid-evil times with knights and kings. Hence the castle cake.
  • He LOVES legos, he still talks about our trip to Colorado and how his Uncle Buddy let him play with his legos. On his Birthday he played with legos all day long and kept just saying this is so great.
  • He is extremely OCD he likes to have things his way and is very particular.
  • His favorite foods are anything breakfast and bread related.
  • He is our pickiest eater.
  • He is very athletic and is excited to get to play minor league Denver here in about a month.
  • He is very kind to others and is thriving very well in school
  • He loves to play with his siblings but also loves to play independently.
  • He is very artistic and creative. Most recently he built an entire castle city out of white printer paper.
  • He is so excited about learning how to read and is picking up on it really fast.
  • He has the sweetest smile.
  • He still suffers from headaches every once in awhile as a result from his surgery but other than that is doing great.
  • He is very proud of his scar.
We are so very blessed to have him in our family! We sure do love him!

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